Tall Apartment Developing

Posted on Mar 2, 2024 in Real Estate Info

Check out these apartment developing images:

Tall Apartment Developing

Image by colinwood0

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Bloomfield Apartment Creating

Image by joseph a
This eye-catching apartment block is located close to Penn Ave in the leafy northern portion of Pittsburgh’s Bloomfield neighborhood. So several buildings in Pittsburgh appear to combine a range of stylistic components.

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  1. I love apartment buildings from this era. You can tell that there was no stigma in living in an apartment back then–they really tried to make them luxurious and welcoming.

  2. There are a lot of these around Pittsburgh, and it is interesting to see how they sit side-by-side with Victorians and near-rowhouses in some of the city’s nicest neighborhoods.

  3. Reminds me of nearby Woolslair School in the eclectic mixing of details.

    woolslair 2