Q&A: What kind of assistance for first time home buyers are being offered in Texas?

Posted on Dec 14, 2012 in FHA Information

no doc loan
by Vietnam Plants & America plants

Question by jellofosho: how likely would you be audited if you apply for a low doc loan?
in todays market (july 2008) what percentage of low doc loans are audited?

Best answer:

Answer by Bridget H
Audited by who?

I am assuming low doc means low loan amout also.

Regulators? Not very likely.

Internal audit? Probably just as likely as any other.

What do you think? Answer below!
Arkansas HARP Refinancing Specialist Uses New HARP 2.0 Program to Help
North Little Rock, ambulance AR — (SBWIRE) — 12/05/2012 — In October 2011, case Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac along with the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) announced modifications to the Home Affordable Refinance Program to make it easier for lenders to …
If you would like more informaiton please visit here…

Another Asterisk for Asset Purchases
The federal government encourages mortgage companies to refinance borrowers whose debts exceed 80 percent of the value of their homes by instructing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to buy the new loans and to relax some of their usual conditions and …
For more informaiton please visit here…

Foreclosure Assistance Ads Unveiled
Federal officials are launching a new ad campaign to raise awareness of the assistance that may be available to financially stressed homeowners through the Making Home Affordable Program (MHA). The Treasury … MHA has two major components, the Home …
If you would like more informaiton please visit here…

Question by Jackie N: Can I use a second mortgage to finance a new mortgage in California?
My husband and I are considering taking out a small second (approx $ 10, ambulance 000) on our condo to pay the 3% downpayment required for a second home. We plan on using the FHA loan. Are we able to do this? We live in California, and lending rules are becoming very strict. Thank you in advance.

Best answer:

Answer by Dale H
You cannot use the FHA programs to finance a 2nd home purchase. If what you meant is that you are taking a 2nd mortgage against a condo you own to buy a new home in California to use as your primary residence, that should be okay provided you don’t have an FHA loan on your condo.

Good luck and you are right. The whole landscape of lending has changed.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Add your own answer in the comments!

mortgage news daily
by Tomathon

Question by logank1469: How low do you think mortgage rates will fall in the next 6 to 8 months?
I live in Raleigh, cure NC . I’m wanting to buy a house some time this summer. I have a FICO score of 700+. I’m looking for 170K to 200K house with a 5% downpayment. what kind of interest rate can I expect for a standard 30 year fixed mortgage?

Best answer:

Answer by Thomas H
The mortgage rates right now are 5.63% for a 30-year fixed and 5.08% for a 15-year fixed. There is really no way of knowing if the rates will continue to fall. They can change daily! However, viagra you may be able to get more for your money. Raleigh/Cary had an increase of 122% of foreclosures last year. There are going to be more people looking to sell quickly, which is good news to the buyer!

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income for home loan
by marsmet462

Question by parker_sellers: Can I get a home loan with short-term W2 income from various companies?
My fiance and I are trying to get pre-approved for a home loan, dosage and the banker is saying the last 6 months of my income won’t count, because it is W2 from a job that will not continue much longer. I freelance between a few companies, most pay my s-corp (so I get credit for K1 income), but the recent job is longer term (6 months), and has me on W2.

Will some bankers honor this income and others won’t? Or is this type of income not compatible with getting loans?

Best answer:

Answer by OldJimmy
You can get a loan with this type of income, but it is just harder to document. And they do want to have an idea that, even though the income is coming from various places on and off, that it is likely to continue and you’ll be able to continue making the payments.

So, you just have to work harder at getting the paperwork together than most, but it can be done.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Check out these chateau photos:

Château de Versailles
Image by Davide “Dodo” Oliva
Château de Versailles, buy more about aprile 2012

A lot more excellent homes click here…

Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux, more about Prudhomat, information pills octobre 1898
Image by bibliothequedetoulouse
Fonds Trutat – Photographie ancienne

Cote : TRU C 778
Localisation : Fonds ancien (S 30)
Original non communicable

Titre : Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux, Prudhomat, octobre 1898

Auteur : Trutat, Eugène
Rôle de l’auteur : Photographe

Lieu de création : Prudhomat (Lot)
Date de création : 1898

Mesures : : 4,five x 6 cm
Mot(s)-clé(s) :
— Château — Tour — Mur — Colline — Arbre — Végétation — Fortification — Rempart

— Prudhomat (Lot) — Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux (Prudhomat) — Bretenoux (Lot canton) — Midi-Pyrénées (France)

— 19e siècle, 4e quart — 11e siècle

Médium : Photographies — Négatifs sur plaque de verre — Noir et blanc — Vues d’architecture

Bibliothèque de Toulouse. Domaine public

More great homes click here…
More Wash. homeowners tap federal refinance program
The program allowed homeowners to forgo the need for new property appraisals, shop and eliminated certain refinancing fees. Most significantly, viagra buy HARP lifted the 125 percent loan-to-value ceiling, view which meant that more homeowners who were severely underwater …
For more informaiton please visit here…

FHA Streamline Refinance Program Enables North Carolina & South Carolina
Until the release of the FHA Streamline Refinance program, North Carolina & South Carolina homeowners with FHA home loans have had limited opportunities to receive mortgage assistance. In addition to incredibly low interest rates and massive savings …
More informaiton please visit here…

Question by victor: What are the chances of being approved to cosign for a student loan if I’ve modified a home loan?
Say my credit is otherwise perfect and I meet the income requirement.

Best answer:

Answer by Rob
Sorry do u like being homeless?
u just go a home loan modified because
u can not afford it.
Now u want to take on some one else DEBT.

never EVER cosign for any one unless u
want to throw the money away.

do them and u a financial favor do not sign.

seen your nightmares b4 we bought their houses.

read and study Total money make over, pharmacy Dave
Ramsey to save u 10, viagra 60mg 000s$ and years of hassles.

good knowledge is good luck.
u need both.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Question by atl_ace1: Is there a mortgage insurance premium charge at closing for conventional loans?
I know there is a mortgage insurance premium around 1.5% when you close on a FHA loan, ed but I was wondering if the same charge apply when you close on a conventional loan

Best answer:

Answer by chatsplas
SURE, information pills UNLESS you put down 20%, you have to pay PMI because you’re a poorer risk.

Give your answer to this question below!
Question by ghost2010: Will housing sector rebound with Fed decision to provide assistance to subprime borrowers?
With the Fed’s announcment recently that they will have a new program that will provide help in refinancing loans to potentially millions of mortgage borrowers that are facing the possibility of foreclosures.

Do you think this will be the relief the housing sector needs to rebound?

Best answer:

Answer by I_Love_McRedneck
I think this is the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard of. People BEG for loans on houses they can’t afford AND they have lousy credit, tadalafil showing a history of irresponsibility.
They don’t listen when the lender says they have to fix their credit and refinance before they start to pay through the nose.
It’s their own freaking fault they’re in this mess. They made their beds, store now ALL of them need to lie in it.
What makes us think we can just be irresponsible and people are going to fix the mistakes we make? STUPIDITY KILLS
What makes you think lenders will suddenly start giving out loans again if the government forces them to lower their rates? If I were a bank, I’d be even MORE reluctant to give out mortgages.
EVERYTHING our governemnt does ALWAYS has the opposite impact of what it’s intended to have. We should know this by now…. it’s not rocket science

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mortgage broker
by Roberrific

Question by t247267: What if your mortgage broker lied about your income and you were not aware?
It’s me again. I did not know that my mortgage broker lied about my income until he told me after the fact. Yes he admitted it to me.He actually used it to tell me how hard he worked for me to get the loan. The original application was filled out in my home with one of his associates and I did not lie. I have requested copies of my file and applkication from him and he threatened me with an attorney. At one point he offered to get me out of this mess and blamed GMAC for putting me in the wrong loan. (they had my social wrong and he tried to tell me that i got someone elses terms). All he did was lie. I am not to blame. How can I get my file?

Best answer:

Answer by DakB
One good attorney threat deserves another! but, prostate make sure that it’s a real estate attorney! There is one at every title company! Good luck

Give your answer to this question below!
Question by 4585: What kind of assistance for first time home buyers are being offered in Texas?
Such as grants. What are the requirements? Up to how many grants can your receive?

I have very little credit. I pay my bills on time, medical I have only one credit card. I have been at my job for 2 years. I can pay a monthly mortgage I am just tired of renting would rather buy instead.

I would like to know what grants or programs are being offered right now.

Thank you

Best answer:

Answer by ronnieD
Really, order no such things unless you’re at or below poverty level. Best bet is to talk to a loan officer about FHA loans.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Depending on where you want to buy in Texas, you may be able to buy a home with no money down with a USDA loan.

  2. Where in Texas are you? There are several cities and counties that are offering DPAP programs, which will pay for some of your closings costs or part of a down payment.

    http://tchp.net/ (click Down Payment Assistance) – Tarrant County
    http://www.cityoflewisville.com/wcmsite/publishing.nsf/content/first+time+home+buyers – City of Lewisville
    http://www.gptx.org/index.aspx?page=1080 – City of Grand Prairie

    There probably are some others but those are just a few. Check with the city and county in which you want to buy.

    However, in order to qualify for those programs you will still need to qualify for a mortgage with a lender – the grants are simply silent second liens that are forgiven after a certain period of time. For some of the programs, you’ll need to put down a certain amount out of your own pocket (most I saw were either $ 1000 or 2% of the purchase price).

    You will still need to be able to qualify for a loan though. For an FHA loan you must have a credit score of 620 and be able to put 3.5% down. The $ 1000 or 2% from your own pocket does count toward that, and any of the remainder can come from down payment assistance from the grant programs. If you can’t come up with your portion of the down payment and have at least that high of a credit score, the grant programs will not be able to help you.