Where can I find a Mortgage calculator that I input different monthly changes?

Posted on Feb 20, 2013 in Unique Loan Programs

Question by Snowflake: Can I get financing to buy a house without having a job?
My husband has a full time job in the military but we need the home loan for to go on my credit because his credit is taken up. I am a stay at home mom without a job.

Best answer:

Answer by Wisdom Troll
Yes you can. No doc loans don’t require any documentation.

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Question by Mr.Ed: Where can I find a Mortgage calculator that I input different monthly changes?
I pay different amounts monthly on the principal, clinic and wondered if anyone knows a calculator that would show an amortization chart while calculating the extra amounts I pay monthly. I would think an Excel chart would be the best, but I’m not that computer savvy. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Howard L

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One Comment

  1. What you want is NOT a calculator. You want a spreadsheet template. There are several templates for Excel available. Most can be downloaded free, and you can search from inside Excel. If you make the SAME amount of extra payments every month, most online calculators will do the math. If your extra payments vary, you will probably have to customize a template. Find an Excel template for ANY loan with extra payments, and manually change the extra payment amount for each month.
    Note: The math is actually exactly the same for a car loan as for a mortgage.